inundacion en ingles (isaias lopez zapata)1-A.T/V

The frirst day that the flood growing in my house the people that we grew a go a water then some people not believed nothing and said the age lie patted two dys and ceded the alert he governor that alls the district near of the floods imperat evacuation by that imperat gone a flood.
My father started a raise thing first the things more importans that age the papers afterwards raise in the wardrobe and tha wardrode laid tha bed the armchair tha washing refrigerator and heater cede the taked my uncle a jimenez in a ranch that bot still not arrived the water we my brother and I leaved a jimenez for help a my grandmother a raise things.
My dad that in tha evening when alls the district of bot by tha house tha b perople bad steped in matorboat launch for treat of steal.
He governor followed gived notice that tha people that been in the ceiling or knowns that noc worry that all been good the peoples of the state looked the problem that had tabasco started a help commanned his support a tha municipality more flood.

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