Story of: Alejandro Daniel Garcia Guzman 3 "F" Turn: vesertino

Day 27 of October me in tero of the warning that they give in the television and of which finds out to me went that it was going away to flood some parts of tabasco, from that date begins the disaster for the first time in my life, the deferential thing of the year of 1999 was in which I already am great and now I include/understand plus the things that happen, my mother along with my family we were found out the situation that was disclosed, the day Sunday 28 of October, my brother and I we helped mother to change to first of May, began to take the refrigerators and a stove when we changed rained, after minutes it began to rain with more force and in the light truck in which it went I with my brother we were gotten wet, the truth we took much in arriving at where we had changed in the way I I felt cold but that had to rain, with as much cold that it felt, until shook but nevertheless we arrived and we lowered the things, later to as we could we removed the television set, the computer the table, the chairs among other things. When we left the uninhabited house completely rained but even the street was not flooded in which I live we spent one night in first of May but later the authorities informed that we vacated the colony, again my family there already I we were changed but now in second of the eagle in where we were almost 2 weeks average, I in the individual it felt boring, in the course in which we were in the eagle a person not very friendly offended to my brother from that day mother took us to the villa to help to empacar pantry, I to me and my brother we unloaded trailers, single we attended 3 days followed, after that always we went to the house to see the level of the water and knowledge if it had lowered or no, but luckyly every day lowered but and but the water, when in the street in where this my house there was no water, the only thing which we did was to remove the water that had been encharcada in the house after that single one we cleaned the ground of the house, the day Saturday 17 of November that we were going away to change to house of my uncles I do not arrive the truck that was going to us to transport soon winged of where we were was the salvation army but in afternoon ciel arrived 3 full trailer from pure water package, after all my family and I helped to unload them, the truth muí was tired but in the end us they thanked for giving it us 2 water packages and a great boat of mantequilla, when I arrive the night we lay down to sleep for the following day but I always eat could not sleep in the sofa, I believe that she was because the sofa was smaller than I and it did not accommodate to me or, on the following day we changed, but only the bad thing is that still I do not sleep or but even so I attend classes and worse even than is rumored of another possible flood in tabasco, no longer that can happen ahead the more.

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